Privacy Policy (Policy on Protection of Personal Information)

Privacy Policy (Policy on Protection of Personal Information)

Onamba Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has established the following privacy policy (the “Policy”) for personal information of its users. This Policy explains how the Company collects, uses, and shares personal information, and how users can manage their personal information.

1. Business information
Company name:
Onamba Co., Ltd.

19th floor, Midosuji Daibiru Bld, 4-1-2 Minamikyuhojimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0058 Japan


Seiji Endo, Chairman

Tadatoshi Kijima, President

2. Collection of personal information
When you submit an inquiry form, the Company collects your company name, your name, address, phone number, email address, and other personally identifiable information.
3. Purpose of use of personal information
The Company analyzes collected browsing data and uses that to notify users of products and services suitable for individual users.
4. Secure management of personal data
The Company makes efforts to keep personal information accurate and up to date, and all employees and officers undergo education and training to protect personal information from unauthorized access, falsification, leakage, loss, and damage. In addition, the Company has established personal information protection regulations and performs regular inspection of management on site.
5. Sharing of personal data

The Company shares personal data as follows.

  • Party responsible for managing personal data
    Onamba Co., Ltd.
  • Purpose of sharing data
    Same as “Purpose of use” above.
  • Data used
    Name, address, phone number, email address
  • Parties with access to shared data
    Companies affiliated with the Company
6. Personal data sharing with Third-party
The Company will not share your personal information to third parties without your consent except where there are special provisions established by laws and guidelines.
7. Disclosure and correction of retained personal data

The Company shall disclose personal information to the user without delay when requested by the user. Use the following procedure to request a notification on the use of your personal information, correction, addition, or deletion of your personal information, or the suspension of use or provision to third parties.

(Specify the method for requesting each company)

Send your request to:
Customer Service, Onamba Co., Ltd
19th floor, Midosuji Daibiru Bld, 4-1-2 Minamikyuhojimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0058 Japan

8. Inquiries about handling your personal information
For questions or concerns about how the Company handles your personal information, please use the inquiry form.
9. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support
The website of the Company supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt communications with the web browser and server. Your name, address, phone number, and other personal information that you enter are encrypted automatically.
10. Cookies
Cookies are data sent from the web server to the web browser. The web server uses cookies to identify your computer so that you can use the Company’s website efficiently. The file sent as a cookie by the Company’s website does not include information that is personally identifiable. You can use the settings of your web browser to disable cookies.

Established May 2005

Feel free to contact us for more information aboutour company, products, and track record.

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